Monday, March 30, 2015

TPCASTT- Woman Work

Title- woman work seems pretty self explanatory, women do much more work than assumed.
Shine on me, sunshine
Rain on me, rain
Fall softly, dewdrops
And cool my brow again.
i like this part of the poem because she talks about everything she needs to do and it randomly switches over to talk about weather but i took it as anything that comes her way she's willing to deal with.
Storm, blow me from here
With your fiercest wind
Let me float across the sky
'Til I can rest again.
and then this part seems to prove the opposite, wishing the storm to take her away from her responsibilities, and relax for a bit and not have to deal with her chores until she can rest for just a bit. 
Attitude- i love it because it reminds me of my mom, having to put up with daily life and every thing on top of that and i think the author just wanted to say that yeah moms are hardworkers but they know what needs to be done and still need a break like any normal human. 
Shine on me, sunshine
Rain on me, rain
Fall softly, dewdrops
And cool my brow again.

Storm, blow me from here
With your fiercest wind
Let me float across the sky
'Til I can rest again.
i think this was the shift because the beginning makes you sort of believe she's wonderwoman but then it's a reality shock that shes actually human and needs a break too. 
Title Revised-  i think it starts out with yeah a hard working woman who needs to perform all those duties but then it also shows how strong a woman needs to be mentally and physically to deal with all those duties she's given 
Theme- things might not be completely as they seem, that under a strong woman is a strong heart, brain, and soul.

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