Monday, August 18, 2014

1987 AP Exam Questions

Old Leisure to the author was someone who didn't bandwagon. They didn't follow what everyone else was doing. They were content with the way they were living their life. I'm assuming the people of her time were a very routine people. They did things a certain way and if you did not, well then you were odd. She didn't view anything wrong with him, if anything she admired him. She begged not to judge him by their standards because he was doing nothing against or for the way her people were living.

I picked The Crucible for my 2nd question. The whole book was a complete mess. It was all McCarthyism which was something that the author really did not like. I'm assuming that's the thing he wanted to change. He appealed to pathos and logos. He played with out emotions. We would get angry because that person was innocent! Then we would be sad because that wasn't supposed to happen to him! This just isn't fair! It got even worse because it's legit history. This was an actual thing. Innocent people were accused and used for greedy people to get ahead. To get more power. Isn't that what it always leads to? Power.

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