Tuesday, August 12, 2014


1) The ad uses Charles Bukowski's poem The Laughing Heart. 
2) I would say the use of this poem by a corporation is ironic because the poem has a kind of happy, do what you want, free spirit tone but the corporation, at the time of the release, was in a way supporting the riots going on in the UK at that time. They had to take it down for that purpose so it backfires with the poem because you can't do what you want, say what you want with the government tearing it down. 
3) I think the poem has some reflection of Charles. He led a hard life but somehow managed to get his works noticed. He faced many issues and although he failed sometimes, he didn't quit completely. He learned from them and made his mistakes better. 
4) I found the answers to #1 & #3 on the internet. I found #1 in the article that you linked. #3 I googled his name and the poem and found many sites about him and about his works. I scanned over a couple links and came to my conclusion about him. 

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